Hermione Buyudu ve...

Harry Potter serisinden tanidigimiz bas kahramanlardan biri olan Hermione Granger artik feminist bir modele donusuyor. Filmlerde Emma Watson tarafindan basariyla canlandirilan Hermione karakteri, caliskanligi, zekiligi, arkadaslarina olan sonsuz sadakati, okulun isci sinifi olan ev-elflerinin haklarinin korunmasi icin bir orgut kuracak kadar duyarli olmasi ve populer okullu kiz imajina uymadan kendine sosyal bir alan yaratmasiyla hepimizin gonlunu kazanmis ve kendine fantastik dunyada bir kadin kahraman olarak yer bulmustu. Bugunlerde Hermione'un feminist bir model olarak incelenecegi bir kitabin duyurulari yayinlaniyor. Ilgilenenlerin dikkatine:
I discovered an interesting trend: whenever I encounter someone that is struggling to understand what real-world, modern feminism means in contemporary Western society, I use Hermione Granger of the 'Harry Potter' series as an exemplar. Feminism can be conceptually difficult to grasp, especially for young people and those for whom feminism has been misunderstood and demonized by popular media and political punditry. For many young readers (and for a fair few adults, as well), both male and female, Hermione will be the first “real” feminist they ever experience. She is clearly not the only model for feminism, nor is she necessarily the best model, but she is a clear and accessible model and thus a useful one. Hermione Granger serves as an outstanding example of what one particular style of modern young feminism looks like: activist, powerful and full of agency, yet feminine, romantic and stylish – a new kind of feminism for a new kind of girl. For these emerging young women, as Jennifer Baumgardner and Amy Richards note in their fantastic 'Manifesta: Young Women, Feminism, and the Future', “feminism is like fluoride. [they] scarcely notice that [they] have it – it’s simply in the water” (17).
Our young, emergent feminist Hermione Granger is a pivotal character upon whom the entire series rests – that burden is not carried by Harry Potter solely. It is Hermione who solves almost every difficult puzzle, performs almost every difficult spell, and to whom her two male companions consistently look for guidance and advice. Quite literally, on several occasions throughout the series, Hermione Granger saves the world through her actions. This is an exceptional and accessible model for young women (and for young men as well) who are confused about how feminism manifests and operates in 2010.
Themes for discussion may include, but are certainly not limited to:
• Hermione in relationship to third-wave feminism, post-feminism and Girlie feminism
• Hermione as activist
• Hermione as scholar
• Hermione’s role in The Trio
• Hermione’s as bridge between the magical and Muggle worlds
• Emma Watson/“Movie Hermione”
• Hermione Granger’s place in the history of literary Hermiones
• Hermione and archetypes
Other themes will be considered as they relate to the overall theme of the collected work.
Proposals from any academic discipline will be considered. Emerging and early career scholars are encouraged to submit. Final papers should be no longer than 30 pages, including references, and should be scholarly in nature yet accessible in language and tone.
For consideration, please submit an abstract/proposal of no more than 500 words to Dr. Christopher Bell, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, at cbell3@uccs.edu. Abstracts/proposals should be sent as Word Document attachments, and should include the author(s)’s name, affiliation, title and email contact information. Abstracts/proposals should be submitted no later than JANUARY 28, 2011. Final papers will be due APRIL 1, 2011.
18 Aralik Programi - Kurt Adamlar

I am NOT human. And I will not risk spending the rest of my days as one.
Diseased and flawed… we’re better than that.
Varek, Skinwalkers
Bu haftaki programimizda Kurt Adam figurunu tartisiyoruz.
Vampir Deyip Gecmeyin!

Fantastik edebiyat giderek akademilerde tartisilan ve uzerine yayinlar yapilan bir alan haline geliyor. Yakin zamanda gozumuze carpan iki duyuruyu takipcilerimizle paylasmak istedik. Bu konularda yazmak veya arastirma yapmak isteyenlerin hosuna gidebilir. Ilki Ingiltere'de Bram Stoker uzerine yapilacak bir konferans icin cagri, ikincisi ise Drakula Calismalari Dergisi'nin duyurusu:
The conference explores the iconic significance of Stoker's vampire novel and seeks to reappraise Stoker’s work within its fin-de-siècle cultural climate. It is also interested in examining the broader context of the changing nature of Gothic productions from the late eighteenth century to the present. Using Dracula as a key point in the evolution of the genre, the conference is keen to explore the novel’s Gothic predecessors and influences, and the manner in which Stoker’s fiction renewed the Gothic for future generations.
How do the Gothic’s early themes of despotic rulers and fathers, grim prophecies, supernatural embodiments, incarceration, labyrinthine passages and corridors, threatened females, and sexual deviancy transform in subsequent cultural outputs from novels, theatre, films, television and computer games? How has the Gothic in its modern manifestations and variations sustained itself into a fourth century?
The organizing committee invites 250-300 word abstracts for 20 minute papers. Send abstracts to Dr Catherine Wynne (c.wynne@hull.ac.uk) by 1 May 2011.
2)We invite manuscripts of scholarly articles (4000-6000 words) on any of the following: Bram Stoker, the novel Dracula, the historical Dracula, the vampire in folklore, fiction, film, popular culture, and related topics.
Submissions should be sent electronically (as an e-mail attachment in .doc or .rtf). Please indicate the title of your submission in the subject line of your e-mail. Please follow the 2009 updated MLA style. Contributors are responsible for obtaining any necessary permissions and ensuring observance of copyright. Manuscripts will be peer-reviewed independently by at least two scholars in the field. Copyright for published articles remains with the author. Submissions must be received no later than May 1, 2011, in order to be considered for the 2011 issue. Send electronic submissions to journalofdraculastudies@kutztown.edu Contact: Dr. Curt Herr or Dr. Anne DeLong11.12.2010
11 Aralik Cumartesi Programi

Drakula Istanbul'da 27 Kasim Programi - 94.9 Acik Radyo - Cumartesi 10:00
Bu hafta programimizda ilk kez bir konuk agirliyor olmanin heyecanini yasiyor olacagiz. Erbug Kaya ile birlikte ilk romani Giddar ve fantastik roman yazim surecleri uzerine sohbet edecegiz.
20 Kasim Programi - 94.9 Acik Radyo - 10:00 - 10:30

Orson Welles
Bu haftaki programimizda fantastik edebiyatin gundelik hayatimizdaki izlerini tartisacagiz.
Drakula Istanbul'da 13 Kasim 2010 tarihli program kaydi
Duzeltme: Bu haftanin sarkisi Inner Circle'dan Bad Boys idi. Karisiklik icin ozur dileriz.
13 Kasim Programi Anti-Kahraman - 10:00 - 10:30

Comte de Lautréamont, Maldoror'un Şarkıları (1868)
Eternal Life, J. G. Frazer
A fourth story, taken down near Oldenburg in Holstein, tells of a jolly dame that ate and drank and lived right merrily and had all that heart could desire, and she wished to live always. For the first hundred years all went well, but after that she began to shrink and shrivel up, till at last she could neither walk nor stand nor eat nor drink. But die she could not. At first they fed her as if she were a little child, but when she grew smaller and smaller they put her in a glass bottle and hung her up in the church. And there she still hangs, in the church of St Mary, at Ltibeck. She is as small as a mouse, but once a year she stirs.